Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pink Cadillac Dinner

As you may or may not know, it has been raining to beat the band here in Lexington for the past four days now and as I sat in my room a few days ago, hoping that I wouldn't start growing mold spores, I realized there was a pit deep in my stomach, a pit that could not be filled with any old Twinkie or bowl of pasta or glass of chocolate milk... I needed the greasy, wholesome goodness of comfort food. There are some days where everyone needs a little edible pick-me-up to weather the winds of life, and Rockbridge County. For me, it's a grilled cheese with bacon sandwich. Having been hooked on these since childhood I have scoped out every diner and deli on the eastern seaboard (not every one, but at least all in the Tri-State) trying to find a place that will do the sandwich justice. In Lexington, Pink Cadillac Diner wins hands down.

A bubblegum pink house nestled in the rolling hills of southwestern Virgina, the Pink Cadillac Diner not only caters to those looking to take a trip down memory lane, but those seeking out delicious diner food and Hershey's ice cream. The interior is a technicolor-on-acid version of Al's Diner from Happy Days, replete with cardboard cutouts of Elvis and 1950s memorabilia. Outside, there is a baby pink, powder shine, Cadillac parked to the right of the building. To the left, the gravel parking lot is home to an eight foot tall King Kong, holding a miniature airplane in his skyward reaching hand. While his paint might be fading and peeling, he completes the scene that is the Pink Cadillac Diner.

It was on a cold, rainy day earlier this week that I made the ten mile trek out to the Pink Cadillac, searching for the perfect grilled cheese and bacon sandwich. The minute I opened the front door, I was greeted by the smell of fresh french fries, bacon, hamburgers, and all things delicious in this world. My server, a lovely older woman with a retro waitress outfit on took my order. Within minutes I had it: the one thing I wanted most in the world, at least for the next few hours. Sitting in front of me was my mecca of cuisine: perfectly buttery crisp white bread still warm from the grill, delicious white American cheese melting out of the sides, and in the center, a perfect row of crispy bacon. I take the first bite and it is delectable; the perfect mingling of salty and crunchy and buttery and greasy, rolling around on my eager palate. I'm in heaven. 

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